Taking men from brokenness to wholeness by the power and love of Jesus

A new life. A New You
The transition from a drug and alcohol rehab program back to daily life can be daunting and problematic. Old patterns and habits can come back quickly without assistance and mentoring. At Gateway, we're committed to helping you grow spiritually so you can find lasting freedom from drugs and alcohol. In our program, you will live in a fully furnished house. We will provide transportation to and from work, church, the grocery store, and the gym. We will help you with mentoring, counseling, financial training and accountability. You will be engaged in community with our staff and fellow brothers as you go through Bible studies, small groups, and a weekly chapel service.
At Gateway of Hope, our mission is to enable you to live a life that is rich, rewarding, and transformed by the work of Jesus Christ. Your past might be filled with regrets and mistakes, but you will find a new life through our program. We will walk alongside you every step of the way to ensure long term success in all dimensions of your life.

A Complete Program
Filled Work
More than housing
We are also unique in how we handle transportation. We drive you to and from work every day until you get your license back. After that, you will have an available vehicle to use for work while saving up money to buy your own. These incremental steps toward personal freedom will allow you the chance to prove to yourself and others that you are growing and healing from your past.
In addition to transportation, we also host our own meetings in a separate building on the property. These meetings allow those from outside Gateway to engage with you and the other men staying with us. This is a vital opportunity to engage with others in a safe and healthy environment.
The Relapse Reality

Sustainable healing

Don't go it alone

Ready to answer the call?
Recovery is a long and difficult process not for the faint of heart. There have likely been many days along your recovery journey when you wanted to run back to the addictions that ensnared your life and those around you. But if you are coming to Gateway of Hope, then you have already caught a glimpse of freedom through your time in rehab. You have learned that the highs of addiction are never worth the lows. You are ready to experience that freedom every day for the rest of your life as you allow Jesus to transform your heart and life in increasing measures. You just need some help to transition between recovery and a new life that will be better than anything you’ve experienced before.
Are you ready to answer the call God has placed on your life? Are you ready to commit to the rest of your life? If so, we are here with open arms to guide you into that life.